My Pawsome Life

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Hewwo friends! My name is Skipper and I is now a blogger dog. I tells you all about my pawsome life.

Every morning my hooman gibs me a slice of bacon because I help him to retrievers da newspaper from da road. Then we go on a long walk and I retrievers all da sticks, which makes my hooman sooo happy, which makes ME so happy!

Then we come home and we do da naps. Well, I do da naps and my hooman sits at the bright screen thingy and makes a lot of clacky noises. I like da naps because it is peaceful. Except when the cat steals my bed, then it is much sadness.

When the sun goes to bed, I retrievers da bowl so we can do da dinners and it is very tasty. So tasty I always asks for seconds! And then the hooman yawns so I retrievers da blankets. We do da looong naps and it is cozy and warm and happy.



🐾 Skipper

Persnickety Pets: Skipper retrievers the tennis balls

adventure Dogs Goofy Goober Hiking Lovebug outdoors pets skipper The Persnickety Pets

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